7 Day Reset Challenge

7 Day Reset Challenge for overworked, stressed out women who want to reconnect with themselves, re-energise and feel INCREDIBLE in their mind and body, without having to drive anywhere or commit to anyone else’s schedule.

Join Me On This Journey

Life is busy and we’re only getting busier!

We’ve become so efficient at doing everything these days, we have instant messages and apps that mean we can constantly be available and constantly be working. 

There’s always something demanding on our attention like our phones, kids or work pressures and it’s all too easy to let other people or devices control our day, instead of the voice within us. 

It’s not your fault you’re feeling this way.

We’ve also just experienced one of the most stressful and uncertain times in our lives - so it is no wonder that this has left so many of us feeling totally overworked, overwhelmed, exhausted and confused! 

But the good news is… you don’t have to feel this way any more! 

The truth is, we ALL know that we need to take care of our physical and mental health. 

But very little of us do…

Why is that?

We get sucked into working long hours behind the desk, fuelling ourselves with caffeine and nourishing ourselves poorly, because we don’t have the time or energy to go to the shop or cook up a healthy meal. 

Then we finish the day, having moved from sitting on our office chairs to sitting on our sofas, scrolling social media, or having a Netflix binge and end up falling asleep far too late, only to wake up early feeling completely exhausted and do it all again!

We feel so overwhelmed with the pressures of our daily life that we believe we don’t have enough time to add any more responsibilities to our to-do list when we are already struggling so much.

I hear you on that. 

It is hard to prioritise your health and well-being when you have so many other things demanding your attention that have left you feeling drained. Sometimes you might even have good intentions, but absolutely no clue where to start, or no motivation to. 

I’ve been there too.

Introducing Your Coach

Hi, my name is Katie!

I’m a registered yoga, meditation and breathwork teacher, life coach and dog mum to Bentley! 

Before I discovered yoga, I was overweight, working to burnout for my law degree and I had a really negative relationship with food, exercise, with myself and (let’s be real) with the rest of the world too! 

I thought of exercise as punishment for my body, for not looking the way I wanted it to.

I hated the way it looked and the way I felt.

Sound familiar? 

In summary, I was stuck living an unfulfilled, draining and stressful life.

Essentially, I was a workaholic people pleaser with a complete inability to set boundaries or understand, let alone prioritise my own needs! 

Plus I was my own worst critic, in a cycle of self-hate, victim mindset and I allowed my limiting beliefs to keep me stuck right here.

Fast forward a few years and I qualified as a lawyer and separately as a yoga teacher.

And then the whole world got shut down. 

I always said that my practices helped me to stay grounded and balanced, but during lockdown, increased work pressures meant I found myself working crazy hours, eating all my meals at my desk, letting go of the things that made me feel good, falling into old negative patterns of behavior and putting myself last again. 

I felt completely exhausted, anxious, depressed and stressed. 

I was totally burned out, waking up in the night with panic attacks, unable to meet my own basic needs and was suffering with
such severe brain fog that I often found myself physically and mentally lost. 

I felt like I couldn’t give myself time to think about anything, unless I was getting paid to think about it. Even very simple daily life admin tasks became impossible for me because I was so defeated. 

I was making myself physically and mentally ill. I wasn’t showing up as the best version of me at work as a lawyer, for my yoga students, in my relationship, or as a dog mum. All because I had completely stopped showing up for myself. 

Even though I KNEW my practices would help me, I kept setting them aside, spiraling deeper into this black hole, until I hit rock bottom. 

Because knowing the practices is not enough,
you have to actually do them! 

I knew I needed my practices more than ever and so I had to make a change. I had to dig deep to find motivation to allow me to reset, re-energise and reconnect to myself. To let go of the old unhelpful mindset blocks and behaviour patterns and allow myself to grow. 

My mind and body were screaming at me to make changes and finally I listened and I am so grateful that I found the courage to.

I realised that by always putting myself last, I was telling
myself and the world, that I wasn’t worthy.

I reconnected with my mind and movement practices, rebuilding habits to serve my soul and re-energise myself. I started taking the first hour of my day for me to do whatever I needed in the moment, be it breathwork, journaling, meditation, a sweaty workout or a restorative yoga class.

I listened to myself and what I needed. I made my morning a non-negotiable time to re-energise so that I could show up as the woman I wanted to be. 

And I HEALED MYSELF. And if I hadn’t done this… I dread to think where I would be. 

There is more to these practices than touching your toes and looking good in your yoga leggings.

They will awaken your soul so you can remember who you truly are and get the confidence to go after your goals and build a life you love.

Of course, knowing what practices to do to help you is one element of the journey, but finding the motivation and consistency to do them by yourself, is tough!

That’s often the mountain that stops people from succeeding. 

But I am here to guide you through this tough time. Not only to share the practices with you, but help you find that motivation too and build new healthy habits with proven methods and a supportive community. So eventually that mountain disappears into the distance, but the person you become in the process will stay with you forever. 

Allow me to re-introduce you to yourself and have you experience not only the healing properties that these practices have, but also to help you grow into a happier, more confident and aligned version of you that is not stuck in survival mode, but THRIVING!

My students tell me that they live a happier and healthier life with clarity that they’ve never had before. They have been able to build and sustain new habits that help them to discover what they want and have the energy to go after it. No more exhaustion, feeling stressed and lost in life. 

I think about how lost the version of me was a few years ago. How sad and overwhelmed she was and I don’t want that for any of you.

This is why I created the 7 Day Reset Challenge. 

Building self care habits is HARD! But when you have a proven method of practices that work, a community that supports you and wants to see you grow, plus an instructor who’s been where you are and wants to guide you back to your best re-energised self - you will see results!

In the 7 Day Reset Challenge you will

Reconnect to your basic needs

Prioritise your needs to get you feeling more nourished and energised. 

Experience a variety of mind and movement practices designed to re-set and bring you back to you. 

Join a supportive community

You will have access to a community of other women just like you who will keep you accountable and share their own journey so you can celebrate your successes, share your wins and support one another when times are tough.

Experience daily practices with a different focus

Each day we have a new theme to help you grow - “Getting Intentional”, “Getting Energised”, “Getting Grateful”, “Getting Balanced’, “Getting Connected”, “Getting Playful” and “Getting Aligned”! 

Re-connect with yourself

You will start to connect with yourself through the practices, incorporating visualisation and journaling exercises. 

Use your time wisely

You can choose to spend around 10-15 minutes just working on the mind focussed practice of the day on those busier days periods where you need a quick fix, or around 30-45 minutes where you want to move your body OR, if you’re ready to go ALL IN, you can immerse yourself in around 1 hour a day, doing both practices! 

Choose your schedule

The best part - This will all be done at the comfort of your own home and you can choose the time that works best for you. Whether you work best first thing in the morning, last thing at night, or you just want to squeeze these practices in wherever you can - you get to choose!

So whether you are working a busy job or have kids at home - I promise you,

You DO have time and you CAN fit this into your schedule.

Because if you don’t make time for your health, believe me, you’re gonna have to make a lot more time to be sick.

By The End of the 7 Days, You Will…

  • Feel more energised

  • Sleep better

  • Feel less tightness and tension in your body

  • Be able to show up better for your family, relationships and work

  • Be more connected to yourself

  • Feel a sense of calm and peace

  • Feel less stressed, anxious and overwhelmed

  • Have more confidence in yourself

  • Find compassion and love for yourself 



For less than your daily coffee price, you will get access to proven tools and methods to get you from surviving to thriving and get you started on your self care journey. 

This Challenge is for You, If…

  • You are ready to move your body with purpose

  • You’re curious to learn some new practices to help you grow

  • You feel lost in life and don’t know where to go from there

  • You feel tired and have brain fog 

  • You feel stressed, anxious or overwhelmed

  • You keep procrastinating or setting yourself goals that just aren’t getting done

  • You feel disconnected and you know you need to make changes for your health

Join today and start the journey to allow yourself to grow into the best version of you. 

Your body and mind deserve this! 


  • You can access the content through our app “My Connected Self” available for iPhone and Android users.

    Head to the “Learn” tab on the bottom menu and then the “7 Day Reset Challenge” Section.

  • All the classes are pre-recorded, so you can literally do them whenever you want, wherever you want!

  • You’ll have access to the content for life and you can repeat the sessions as many times as you’d like to!

  • You can email Katie@myconnectedself.co.uk with any questions or feedback!