Meet Your Coach,


If you’re new here, I’m Katie! I am a recovering people pleaser, and former burnout queen who went from working (miserably) as a lawyer to breaking free from an abusive relationship and running a coaching business & wellness app focussed around self connection and growth!

Are you ready to meet your connected self?

Who I’ve worked with

My 3 star qualities are

An ability to guide you through your subconscious into your shadows and allow you to release your deepest traumas through breathwork;

A passion for building self worth and empowerment, through mind and movement practices on my app; and

The desire and knowledge to help women to level up and create the empowered life of their dreams through life coaching.

It is my mission to help women to break free from the limitations of their mind and level up to become the most empowered, confident, focussed, healthy and aware version of themselves.

Why is this Work

So Important To Me?

Working on my self worth and regulating my nervous system through regular mind and movement practices saved my life. 

If you’d told me that at my first yoga class in 2010, I’d have laughed my head off. I thought yoga and meditation was all a bit fluffy and boring and figured that it was largely for old or injured people.

I only went along to support a friend who wanted to see if it could help with her anxiety. Funnily enough, neither one of us knew anything about yoga and picked probably the worst style of yoga for that goal, but I LOVED it! It totally kicked my butt and I realised maybe my perception of yoga was all wrong.

At that point, I was a hustling high achiever law student and would regularly push myself to burnout, fuelled by coffee and a desire to prove my “worth” through the grades I could get.

You can imagine how this mindset, coupled with an inability to set boundaries and a perception of powerlessness over external circumstances, lead me to some dark places.

I was always putting myself last and took no time to re-energise myself. Regular panic attacks and high anxiety became my “normal”.

Fast forward a few years and I didn't realise how bad things had gotten for me. I didn’t understand how ill my corporate career was making me, nor did I appreciate the depths of the emotionally abusive relationship I was in.

Thankfully, I started regularly doing the work to bring myself to a place where I grew my self-worth, had self-trust, was connected to my intuition and knew that I deserved more.  

I could tell that my nervous system was perpetually in “fight or flight” mode and, even though I’d learned tools to regulate this, I knew that this shouldn't be my default mode. In summary, I was not thriving!

Now I get to help women to heal themselves and enjoy a life where they know they are worthy.

They can love themselves at every stage of their journey and they can look within to create a reality that lights them the f**k up! They can trust their decisions and know how powerful they are.

Client experience

“It was amazing and intense. Katie’s voice all the way through was encouraging and gave me a feeling of empowerment and strength…It was a really incredible experience…This has felt so much more effective than any other couselling or anything else I’ve done before… ”

- Amy

Work with me

Transformational Breathwork

Reprogram your subconsious mind, let go of limiting beliefs and unlock your greatness.

Self Connection and Expansion

Ready to level up your outer world by doing the inner work? Whether you’re going through a transition period of your life, wanting to overcome unwanted habits/ behaviours, or THRIVE at work and in your relationships - I got you.

Self care, yoga & meditation app

Your space to re-energise and connect with yourself through on-demand mind and movement practices. Set your goals and work on YOU, alongside a supportive coach and community that wants to see you win!

Let’s Connect